
Borneo is the third largest island in the world covering an area of around 287,000 square miles. The island is divided into three political regimes. The Kalimantan part is under the governance of Indonesia; Sabah and Sarawak are the part of Malaysia; Sultanate of Brunei have a stake on the remaining part, though it is the smallest one.

The island is surrounded by the sea from all directions. The north and north west part is surrounded by the South China Sea, the Sulu sea surrounds the northeast, the Celebes sea and the Makassar Strait are in the east and the Java sea and the Karimata strait to the south.

Borneo is considered to be a diver's paradise with its mountainous terrains overlooking the water bodies surrounding the island. Other than the diving Borneo is also a great sea destination. The island is filled with tropical forests with its vibrant wildlife. As a matter of fact tourist visit the island to trek on these forests and explore the wild part of Borneo closely.

Borneo is also surrounded by mountains. Mount Kinabalu in Sabah, Malaysia is regarded as the highest peak in the island with a height of 4095 mts which makes the island the sixth highest in the world. The dense forest is home to the tribal of Borneo. It is believed that about 30 ethnic groups still exists in Borneo. These group makes Borneo a heterogeneous mix of human social group. In fact this adds a different flavor to the tourism section of the island. The population of these groups are on decreasing side which threatens the extinction of their culture, language and traditional skills.

The fun never stops in the island of Borneo. The varied wildlife always springs up with some or other surprises. the biodiversity of the island makes it an important eco tourism spot of the world. The diverse wildlife includes 15,000 species of flowering plants along with 3000 species of trees. It is the budding ground for many endemic species of plants.

The forests of Borneo is an important habitat for the Boneo Orangutan. It also shelters the the Asian Elephant, the Sumatran Rhinoceros and the Clouded Leopard along with 221 species of other terrestrial mammals and 420 species of resident birds.

For an adventurous outing Borneo should be your first choice and if you are a nature lover then do not even give a second thought.

Borneo offers loads to explore for those who wants to add that ‘extra' into their tour itinerary. For further information about Borneo, you can check out

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