Weather in Grand Bahama

Weather in Grand Bahama

is one of the prime things which has been attracting tourists from all over the world for years. This island, situated by the Pacific is a part of Central America. However, due to its position, it cherishes a different weather from the mainland.

In early June, you can experience lows in the upper 70s to 80 and highs in the mid 80s. Here at that time you can enjoy almost every day partly sunny and partly cloudy skies with a 30-60% chance of scattered or isolated thunder showers.

There were generally light to moderate sea breezes every day. And that is the thing which has been refreshing and rejuvenating all travelers during their stay at this island.

Humidity ranged from moderate to high. There was a tropical storm, Alberto, in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, but Grand Bahama only saw some showers for a day.

Visit this remarkable piece of land to make your holiday a perfect getaway. offers information on Weather in Grand Bahama and vacations in Grand Bahama. For more information on Grand Bahama and other islands worldwide, keep browsing through Travour.

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