Weather in Grenadines

Weather in Grenadines has been one of the main features of this isle, for which travelers from all over the world come to this coastal paradise. During the months from December to April, the daytime temperatures are usually in the 70s-80s C. At nights are there lasts a temperature of 15-20 C. The remainder of the year is generally about 5 degrees F/2 C hotter, with higher humidity and an increased chance of rain. For tourists, August and September are the best off-season months. Don't worry about the hurricanes. These will not be a factor since the islands lie to the south of the hurricane zone.

When the wind is over 65 knots the system will be called a hurricane. There will be plenty of warning when a hurricane is threatening to approach the island chain, you will know at least three days in advance that a system is coming.

Most of St. Vincent's interior is tropical rainforest, where banana and coconut palms grow. The forest is also home to the colorful St. Vincent parrot, the whistling warbler, the manicou, and the agouti. In the coastal waters, there are sea urchins, turtles and many species of fish.

Because the islands lie close to the equator, they enjoy a steady tropical temperature almost year-round. St. Vincent's northern peaks are often encircled by clouds, but most of the rain falls on the mountains, leaving the southern two-thirds of the island much drier than the north.

Pack good hiking shoes for hiking. For winter you will need a light sweater or a thicker raincoat. In the hinterland, expect levels of humidity high enough to produce non-stop light rains all over the year.

Visit this remarkable piece of land to make your holiday a perfect getaway. offers information on Weather in Grenadines and vacations in Grenadines. For more information on Grenadines and other islands worldwide, keep browsing through Travour.

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