Weather in Kangaroo Island

Weather in Kangaroo Island is mostly unpredictable and keeps changing since this particular piece of land is very exposed to the elements, as the next landmass to the south is Antarctica. Here climate changes occur suddenly. And remember, there is no previous warning as to whether you would face bright sunshine or a thunder storm.

During March to May, the temperature ranges between 12º C to 20º C. This time is Autumn.
During June to August, the temperature ranges between 8º C to 15º C. This time is Winter.
During September to November, the temperature ranges between 10º C to 18º C. This time is Spring.
During December to February, the temperature ranges between 15º C to 24º C. This time is Summer. However, summer temperatures can occasionally get as high as 35º C.

In between April and November reigns the winter season, and the landscape is lush and temperatures are cooler. Experience a temperate climate ranging from 10°C to 20°C, with frequent sunny days.

During Summer and Autumn conditions are dry and warm, and the earth becomes sun-bleached with temperatures ranging from 20°C to 32°C.

Between May and September the island receives 2/3 of its annual rainfall, varying from 450 mm in Kingscote to around 700 mm near Cape du Couedic. The wettest month is July.

Cape Borda Lighthouse Average Annual Temperature: 11.6 - 19.1°C Average January Temperature: 14.9 - 23.6°C
Average July Temperature: 8.4 - 14.6°C
Days over 30°C: 10.3
Days over 35°C: 1.6
Days under 2°C: 0.3
Days under 0°C: 0.0
Annual Rainfall: 485.1 mm
Average Annual Wind speed: 14.7 - 17.7 km/h

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