Weather in Santorini

The sunny day has made your day, the weather forecast predicts rain tomorrow; your wife is excited about it. The weather in the region can even decide your mood. The weather in Santorini is no exception.

The usual climate of the island is characterized by a Mediterranean type of climate with mild weather continuing all through the year. The days are not so hot with the temperature never soaring high and the nights even cooler.

The climate is predominantly dry and mild with the sea breeze controlling it. The cool breeze from the sea keeps the temperature in control.

The summer temperature hobbles around the 25- 35 degrees Celsius an in the winters it dips down to 10 to 12 degrees Celsius.

A clear sky presents one of the most stunning views of sunsets in the world in Santorini. offers information about Weather in Santorini along with other travel tips. For further details keep browsing through Travour.

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