Weather in Bora Bora

The climate on the Island of Bora Bora is essentially tropical with only two seasons in a year, the wet season and the dry season. For a better understanding of weather in Bora Bora, specifics of the two seasons are given below to help you decide when to visit Bora Bora.

Wet Season in Bora Bora, November to April

Considered as the "off season" for tourism, high humidity levels and frequent storms mark this time of the year in Bora Bora. The island receives approximately 3/4ths of the annual rainfall of French Polynesia between these months. Brief stormy weather conditions build up unpredictably, affecting the prevailing temperatures. February and March are the hottest months of the year.

Average rainfall for Papeete: 1800mm

Average Temperature range: 27 - 30 degrees C

Though this period is considered the lean season, the discounts extended on lodging and other activities available on the island make it an otherwise favorable time to visit. With lesser rush and reasonable pricing for most products and services, the travelers can explore the island in leisure absorbing the sights and sounds of this tropical paradise.

Those for whom island vacation translates to an ideal combination of sun, sea and sand, do not need to forgo this opportunity either as there is ample sunshine though lesser than the drier months.

Dry season in Bora Bora is from May through October and is considered the peak tourism season.

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