Weather in Randall's Island

The climate of Randall's Island can be broadly summarized as humid continental type, which prevails in the northeastern United States. The general climatic controls over the mainland are provided by the geographical location, prevailing winds and large-scale patterns of atmospheric circulation, adjoining water bodies, latitudinal spread and characteristic topographical features.

With the planetary atmospheric circulation bringing a great variety of air masses to Randall's Island State, both cold, dry air from the northern interior of the continent and warm, humid air from the south and southwest conditioned by the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent subtropical waters which provide the dominant continental characteristics of the climate here. The cool, cloudy, and damp weather condition over the landmass is produced by the third great air mass flow from the North Atlantic.

Randall's Island's winter climate is at times rigorous and sometimes severe, but it has doubtlessly been of invaluable importance for the island's economy, launching it on the mass tourism circuit with possibility of winter sports and recreation like skiing and snowmobiling. Even at other times of the year, climate is a prominent factor in attracting tourists and vacationers to the state.

In summary, the climate greatly benefits the agricultural, industrial, commercial, and recreational economy of the island. It has played a crucial role in molding the historical development of Randall's Island State and assisted in its economic expansion in the recent decades.

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